السلام عليكم
as-salaam ^alaykum. - literally Peace be upon you.
وعليكم السلام
wa ^alaykum is-salaam. - literally And upon you be Peace.
حياك الله
Hayyaak allaa. – May God give you life.
الله يحييك
allaa yiHayyiik. – {reply to the above}
marHaba. - Hello. Hi.
marHabtayn. - {reply to the above meaning "two hellos")
يا هلا
ya hala. - Hi.
أهلاً وسهلاً
ahlan wa sahlan. - Hi. also: Welcome.
أهلاً، أهلاً، أهلاً وسهلاً يا عزيزي
ahlan, ahlan, ahlan wa sahlan ya ^aziizi / عزيزتي ^aziizti / اعزائي a^zaa’i. - Welcome my dear (masc. / fem. / plural)
يا رفيقي ... … ya rifiiji / رفيقتي rifiijti / رفقائي rufaga’i. - ... my friend (masc. / fem. / plural)
يا صديقي ...
… ya Sadiigi / صديقتي Sadiigti / اصدقائي aSdigaa’i. - ... my friend (masc. / fem. / plural)
يا حبيبي
… ya Habiibi / حبيبتي Habiibti / أحبائي aHibbaa'i - ...my beloved, my dear (masc. / fem. / plural)

صباح النور SabaaH in-noor. - {reply to the above}
مساء الخير masa il-xayr. - Good evening.
مساء النور masa in-noor. - {reply to the above}
شلونك؟ ان شاء الله زينshloonik? insha’lla zayn. - How are you? I hope you're fine. (literally What's your color? If God willed, fine.)
شلونج؟ shloonich? - How are you? (said to a female)
شلونكم؟ shloonkum? - How are you? (said to two or more people)
كيف الحال؟ chayf il-Haal? - How's it going? (literally How's the condition?)
كيف حالك؟ chayf Haalik? - How's it going? (literally How's your condition? said to a male)
كيف حالج؟ chayf Haalich? - How's it going? (literally How's your condition? said to a female)
كيف حالكم؟ chayf Haalkum? - How's it going? (literally How's your condition?, plural version)
شحالك؟ sh Haalak? - What's up? (literally How's your condition?, said to a male)
شو خبارك؟ shu xbaarik? - How are you? (literally What are your news?, said to a male)
شو خبارج؟ shu xbaarich? - How are you? (literally What are your news?, said to a female)
شو خباركم؟ shu xbaarkum? - How are you? (literally What are your news?, said to two or more people)
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