Gulf Arabic Vocabulary: Why Now?

We're aware that as a beginner you might be slightly overwhelmed by this lesson. This is a sample lesson that relies on a lot of material that has been covered in the course up to this point. However, we decided it's good for you to get an idea of the level of understanding of Gulf Arabic you will achieve by joining the course.

This lesson is for learners who have covered most of the GulfArabic course. It is based on the answer of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Emir of Dubai, to a question by a Kuwaiti national at the UAE Government Summit. Check the video below.

موظف، موظفين
muwaDHDHaf (pl. muwaDHDHafiin) – employee (usually, a government employee)
Habb – to love (Present: أحب، تحب aHibb, tHibb… ) (Past: حبيت، حبينا، حبو Habbeyt, Habbeyna, Habbaw… )
aHibbich. – I love you (said to a woman).
aHibbik. – I love you (said to a man).
Used in the Past Tense, it means 'I'd like to...', for example:
حبيت أسئلك شي
Habbeyt as'ilak shey. – I'd like to ask you (masc.) something.
حبيت أقول لج شي
Habbeyt agul-lich shey. – I'd like to tell you (fem.) something.

wajjah – to direct, to address (Present: أوجه، توجه awajjih, twajjih… )
inna – that (conjuction); in many contexts it's just a filler

kill (literary variant: kull ) – 'every' when used with an indefinite noun; 'all the' or 'the whole' when used with a definite noun
For example:

كل عربي يعرف هذا
kill ^arabi ya^rif haadha – Every Arab knows this.
كل الناس
kill in-naas – all the people
كل العرب
kill al-^arab – all the Arabs
كل مدرسة
kill midirsa – every school
كل المدرسة
kill il-midirsa – all the school, the whole school

Saar – to become; to happen (Present: أصير، تصير aSiir, tiSiir… )

b-sir^a – quickly, fast
l-wagt – time
nafs (fem.) – soul
ruuH (fem.) – soul

b-nafs + possessive suffix - by myself, by yourself, etc. (literally, with my soul, with your soul, etc.)
b-ruuH + possessive suffix - same as above (more frequent in the Gulf)
سافرت بروحج؟
saafart b-ruuHich? – You (fem.) travelled alone?
كنت أقول له يروح بروحه
chint agul-lah yiruuH b-ruuHah. – I was telling him to go alone.
كتبت الكتاب بنفسي . محد ساعدني
kitabt li-ktaab bi-nafsi. maHHad saa^dni. – I wrote the book by myself. Nobody helped me.

nafs + noun = the same + noun
noun + nafs + possessive suffix = the same + noun OR the + noun + itself/herself/himself
For example:
في نفس الوقت
fi nafs al-wagt – at the same time
في الوقت نفسه
f-il-wagt nafsah – at the same time
في نفس المكان
fi nafs il-makaan – at the same place
في المكان نفسه
f-il-makaan nafsah – at the same place, also in the place itself
في نفس المدينة
fi nafs il-madiina – in the same city
في المدينة نفسها
f-il-madiina nafsaha or f-il-madiina nafiss(h)a – in the same city; also in the city itself

taTawwar – development, growth

baachir , as you already know, is the Gulf Arabic word for 'tomorrow'. In Literary Arabic, you would say الغد al-ghad or غداً ghadan .

'ajjal – to put off, postpone (أجل ، تأجل Present: a'ajjil, t'ajjil… )
gawwa – to strengthen, to empower (Present: أقوي، تقوي agawwi, tgawwi… )
الله يقويك
allah yigawwiik – May Allah give you strength. (Said to somebody engaged in hard work.)
gawy / qawy – strong
هو رجال قوي
huwa rayyaal gawy. – He is a strong man.
بلد، بلدان / بلادين
balad (pl. bildaan, balaadiin) – country
من أي بلد إنت؟
min ayy balad int? (pl. bildaan) – Which country are you (masc.) from?

iqtiSaad – economy
iqtiSaadiyan – economically, in terms of the economy

siyaasa – politics
siyaasiyan – politically, in terms of politics

shoor – advice, counsel

جهد، جهود
jahid (pl. juhuud) – effort

gaam – to stand up; (with b-) to carry out, to do (Present: أقوم، تقوم aguum, tiguum… ) (Past: قمت، قمنا gimt, gimna... )
فريق، فرق
fareeg (pl. firag) – team, troupe, group

leysa – (it) is not (literary variant of مو، موب mu, mub)

Audio transcript:

مرحبا. إسمي ضحى الشمري من الكويت، طالبة وموظفة
marHaba. ismi DHaHa sh-shimmari min li-kweit, Taaliba wa mwaDHDHafa.
Hello. My name is Dhuha Al-Shammari from Kuwait, student and employee.
حبيت أوجه سؤالي إن
Habbeyt awajjih su’ali inna …
I'd like to pose my question which is ...
ليش كل التطور تبيه يصير الحين بسرعة وفي هالوقت الحين؟
leysh kill shey tabbiih ySiir il-Hiin b-sir^a wa f-ha-l-wagt l-Hiin?
Why do you want (it) everything to happen now, quickly and right now?
ليش كل التطور الحين يصير بالوقت نفسه؟
leysh kill it-taTawwar il-Hiin ySiir b-il-wagt nafsah?
Why all the development now is happening at the same time?

سؤالج ليش الآن؟
su’aalich ‘leysh al-aan?’…
Your question 'Why now?'...
وليش ما يكون الآن؟ لأن
w leysh ma yikuun al-aan? la’ann…
And why not (be) now? Because...
باجر ما عمره بيجينا
baachir ma ^amrah biyiina.
Tomorrow will never come to us.
غداً باجر بيكون اليوم
ghadan baachir byikuun al-yoom.
Tomorrow 'tomorrow' will be 'today'.
فدائماً بنسمع باجر، باجر، باجر
fa daayman binisma^ baachir, baachir, baachir.
So we will always hear 'tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow'.
فلا نأجل شي إلى الغد
fa la n'ajjil shey ila l-ghad.
So let's not put off anything until tomorrow.

إذا نقدر نسويه اليوم عشان نقوي اقتصادنا، إقتصاد بلدنا، لازم نسويه اليوم
idha nigdar nisawwiih il-yoom ^shaan ngawwi igtiSaadna, qtiSaad baladna, laazim nisawwiih l-yoom
If we can do it today so that we strengthen our economy, the economy of our country, we must do it today
لأن دولة قوية إقتصادياً - قوية سياسياً
li’anna dawla qawwiya iqtiSaadiyan – qawwiya siyaasiiyan
because a state (that is) economically strong (is) politically strong
ضعيفة إقتصادياً، ما لها شور في السياسة
DHa^iifa iqtiSaadiyan, ma lha shoor fi-s-siyaasa.
economically weak - has no hand in politics.
فلاجل هذا يا أخت ضحى ... وإللي تشوفين إنت هذا كله
fa lajil haadha ya (i)xt DHaHa … w lli tshuufiin inti haadha killah…
So because of this, sister Dhuha... and all of what you see is...
عمل جهد وجهد كبير قاموا به فرق عمل
^amal jih(i)d wa jihid kebiir gaamaw bih firaq ^amal
hard work, a lot of work carried out by workgroups
ليس أنا ولكن فرق عمل
leysa ana, wa laakin firaq ^amal.
not by me, but rather by workgroups

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